Why choose PHP Business Directory?

Feature Rich & Optimized
Since 2003 we've been creating turnkey website solutions and have put all our knowledge and efforts to create this business directory script and make it as optimized, user friendly and secure as possible. It comes loaded with plenty of features and is optimized for speed and performance.

Coming with sources & No hidden fees
PHP Business Directory is provided with the not encrypted source codes (and there is no extra fee for that) - so you or developers working for you could make modifications in them. There are also no hidden fees like a fee to remove the Powered By nor a fee to do the installation for you etc.

Responsive & SEO Friendly
Today more and more users are going mobile - the responsive layout of PHP Business Directory adapts to any type of screen sizes, including tablets and smartphones. It's also SEO optimized - using urls looking like static html pages, keywords in the page titles and others to improve the ranking in search engines.
Combine it with some of our other products

for real estate listings and feature for the real estate agents to post properties